Changes to discretionary home to school transport support logoChanges to discretionary home to school transport support

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Launch of consultation

On Monday, 16 September, we launched a consultation exercise to capture feedback about proposed changes to discretionary Post 16 home to school transport provision for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. 

In addition to the home to school transport we are legally required to provide, South Gloucestershire Council currently offers discretionary support to families of young people who are over the statutory school age and who have special educational needs and disabilities, which in most cases are those with Education, Health and Care Plans. Over recent years, demand for this support has significantly increased, but funding has not kept pace. 

Following a comprehensive review of the support that we are currently providing as well as what is offered in other local authority areas, we have identified a preferred option to switch the focus of our assistance, so more families are supported through the Council's expenses-based model.  

Through this consultation, we are keen to hear your views on the proposed changes - we are especially interested in any potential impacts for you, your child or your family.  

The survey will remain open until 1 December 2024.

Posted on 13th September 2024

by South Gloucestershire Council